This post is intended to serve as the “genesis block” of my posts. I’m intending to use this website as a place to record things I’m working on, whether it be something rather involved like a complete description of a software project, or something as minor as a useful setting in my .vimrc file. The motive is mainly selfish, to keep a record of things I’ve already struggled with should similar issues/tasks come up again in the future, but I’m making things public in the hope that someone else may find my any random tidbits on the site of some use.

In the process of making this site, I’ve already learned quite a bit. At the time of writing, this site is made using hack, more specifically using the Jekyll theme. If you have even a mildly discerning eye, you will note the similarity between the base site provided with the Jekyll theme and this site. I’ve done only very minor customizations, mainly simplifying things so the site is as bare-bones as possible. If you are like me, with a background in scientific and numerical computing, but want to start a website, I believe starting with this theme is a good option. Just clone the repo with the hack theme for Jekyll, cd into the directory, and run bundle install and bundle exec jekyll serve. This starts a local host on your machine, and you can begin hacking away to customize your site. Actually getting your site onto the internet is another matter for another day…